There are so many anacronyms to do with business and marketing aren't there? And you're just expected to know what they all mean. When I was just starting out in Communications many moons ago I did a lot of smiling and nodding when things like KPI's and SEO's came up in meetings, then hastily went and Googled everything after! If you want a quick, easily understandable guide to what exactly this SEO thingy is; this post is for you. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is marketing speak for how to make your website/ content appear as one of the top results when someone types it into Google. (Other search engines are available)
Be honest with yourself, have you ever gone past the second or third page of results when you’ve Googled something? I don’t think I have.
That’s why SEO is important. You want those that are searching for your business to find it easily. The last thing you want is to be hidden away on page 5 of the search results, they’re never going to find you there!
But I have no idea how to make my SEO effective! I hear you cry.
Fret nor fear, Cariad Communications is here to help.
Here are some of my beginners top tips to smash your SEO 1) Make sure your site is available to search bots. When someone types in a search engine it sends out lots of bits of code called bots or spiders ( I know, ew!) to find the content relevant to your search.

If you haven’t given the bots permission to crawl your site, you won’t show up in the search results. Check the settings in wherever you host your site to correct this. Once you've done that your website will be 'indexed' which means that it is now included in the database belonging to that search engine. You want your website to be indexed more than once so that you get as much opportunity as possible to be displayed in the search results. 2) Label your web pages and content clearly and relevantly. Likewise, if your web pages aren’t well labeled the chances of you being found are less likely too. It might sound fun to call your web site “Super Secret Special Website” or whatever but that doesn’t give those spiders much to go on and most likely you’ll fall down the list to search result page number 212. Not ideal. 3) Check your non-text content. Pictures, videos, GIF’s - label them and tag them relevantly. Most website host platforms offer basic help and suggestions with this. 4) Update your website regularly Remember when I mentioned those spiders in point 1? Spiders notice new parts and changes to your website. Which then gets added to search engine indexes along with your existing website all over again. How often your site gets indexed can affect the results on the search page so you want to give the spiders lots of ways to find and index your content. If you haven’t updated your website since 2001 it’s less likely to be found. Try to refresh the content every few months or, if you’re really keen, make a blog. Give people more reasons to visit your site. The more visitors you get, the higher up the search results page you’ll be. And there you have it! Obviously there’s a lot more to SEO than the basic suggestions listed here. There’s a reason why companies employ people to do SEO as better search engine results means more site visitors which eventually translates into more customers - woo hoo! Want to make your website a top result on a search engine? Hire me and I can make your SEO hotter than a Nando's extra spicy peri peri chicken wing.